
Providing energy efficiency rating services for architects, designers and building professionals for over 12 years

Image of a two storey house with raked roofline and pool, energy rating of 6 stars by Powerhaus Engineering, designed by Rob Henry architects
Powerhaus Energy Efficiency Rating Image looking down the stairs from the top level energy efficiency rating
Energy efficiency rating and NatHERS assessments

Design and build comfortable, energy-efficient homes with innovative house energy rating advice.

Image of the entry door of the National Jewish Memorial Centre which had a section J energy efficiency report
Section J and JV3

Results-focused energy efficiency compliance for commercial and community buildings, using the Section J and JV3 pathway.

Image of the cox abermarle apartment buildings for which Powerhaus were energy efficiency consultants
Energy efficiency consulting

Build more sustainably without compromising design, budget, or the planet, with expert energy efficiency consultants.

Ask us about

  • Custom wall system detailing
  • Air-tightness and passive house detailing
  • Condensation and moisture management
  • Your best path to compliance
  • Thermal performance
  • Getting to 7 stars
  • Net zero and zero carbon
  • Embodied carbon
  • Wall wraps and vapour permeability
  • Passive solar design and comfort ratings